The "thirtysomething" generation has skin problems

Step six

There is a common misconception that problem skin occurs primarily in the teens and that people over 30 generally have normal complexions.

In fact, many men and women between 30 and 40 experience skin problems. These may occur because they've made little or no effort to care appropriately for their skin or it could be that they've tried so many approaches that they've created a problem.

In our twenties, we tend to be more lackadaisical about caring for our complexions. This may be because we're good looking or simply that we feel the confidence of youth. But there is no escaping the fact that from 30 onwards ageing starts and our skin begins to deteriorate significantly.

Australians often postpone a serious skin care regime longer than people in colder climates because we tend to look healthy longer. The glow of a suntan, after all, can hide a multitude of imperfections and minor problems.

Yet underneath our tanned faces, many impurities build up over the years if we don't regularly have our skin checked. Too much tanning creates a leathery surface which, in turn, accelerate problems in the lower skin layers.

So people in their mid- thirties often have the embarrassing and surprising problems of skin eruptions. This is when the real expense starts. You may go to a department store and try everything they offer for troubled skin. Depending on which products you buy, your skin probably will respond by becoming either drier, extra-sensitive or more problematic. At this stage, creams and cleansers, no matter how expensive, are not enough. Unless you have regular salon treatment, the entrenched blackheads will not budge.

The salon treatments required to redress this problem are not the ones which pamper with hours of massage, but rather those which involve cleansing and steaming the face, removing the impurities and applying a mask to soothe, disinfect and heal the skin. In some cases a LASER treatment is necessary.

The frequency of treatments depends on the person's age, skin condition and response and how willing they are to work on improving their diet and lifestyle and to adhere to a recommended skin care regime.

The good news is that over time, with diligence, these factors, plus treatment
can produce dramatic improvements in the skin.


R. Kanitz- Birnbaum